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Rainbow Moonstone Heart

Rainbow Moonstone Heart


These beautiful puffy rainbow hearts are perfect for gifting, to use during meditation, or to have on your altar. 

Rainbow moonstone is a stone of new beginnings and carries the vibration of light and spiritual healing. 


Properties include:

✨ bringing balance, harmony, and hope

✨ increasing creativity and passion

✨ aids in wisdom and insight

✨ helps see the unseen

✨ draws out old emotional patterns


📌 Note:
~Each heart is approximately 2 inches

~ Heart is intuitively chosen for buyer

~ Not all pieces will have an incredible flash
~ Due to the nature of the material, no two will be the same

  • Caring for Moonstone

    To clean your stone, simply use a cloth with warm water.
    Moonstone scratches easily, to prevent this, wrap it up in a cloth. 

    DO NOT leave moonstone in water for a long period of time because it will permantely damage the stone.

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